From Housewife to Harnessing Inner Strength
by Susan Elle
(Frederick MD)
Susan Elle
Susan Elle
By Susan Elle AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
A few months ago I was a housewife, group fitness groupie taking body pump and CXwrks at my local gym just like a lot of women in the US. I felt so lucky to be at home most of the day to cook, clean and do laundry. I worked part time and pursued my career just in case I needed it. Boy did I need that career recently.
When my husband and I decided to separate in December of 2011.... I was in shock. I’m pretty stubborn and like to work at things and not give up, just like I do in my fitness competitions. That year I was studying for my personal training certifications and working too, it soon became vital. I had no idea how important my degree and fitness would be to me now.
I dreamed of pursuing a fitness career, but I kinda left my dreams on the back burner for when I had more free time and clarity. Like most women today, I’m a product of this society. I work at maintaining a good diet and fitness, each day is a navigation towards healthy decisions.
My mission lately has been health! I have to be healthy and ready for life’s challenges. Protection blankets, like family, husband, resources, or extra pounds shield you from the harsh reality of the world. I decided to wake up and get to work on my self because I had to.
I started to visualize my goals and dreams. I stopped complaining, making excuses and putting my things on the back burner. Getting organized gave me some time to visualize how I want my life to be. My body has transformed, from focusing on good nutrition, education and personal training but my mind has transformed too. When you can only rely on yourself, you are the only one to blame when things go wrong. So stop the excuses!
How I got in better shape was by watching the glycemic index of foods and trying to stay gluten free, sneaking in more protein like fish and protein pancakes, increasing my weight training and the intensity of my cardio. I always carry almonds with me and bananas where ever I go.
Something that is really special to me is that, I can now teach people how to prevent being overweight. That is the true gift and I’m proud of that.
One of my clients said to me, “I feel like I’ll never be overweight, with this training and diet.” This made my day!