Best Low Impact Exercise Machines For A Worry Free Workout

by RJ Thomas

If you are suffering from any kind of injury, joint problems or are overweight, low impact workout machines are the way to go. The reason that low-impact exercise machines are a better option is because they decrease the risk of injury and discomfort that can be caused by high-impact workouts.


The best rowing machines offer low-impact workouts that work the whole body, with the main areas being the legs, arms, back and chest. Rowing machines work by stimulating how rowing would work on the water. Placing your legs on a platform, and both hands onto the handles. You then perform a rowing motion that causes the sliding seat to move forwards and backwards.


The elliptical machines offer very low-impact workouts, even lower than you would get by using a running machine. The reason for this is because with a running machine you are getting some impact when your feet are landing, which can be painful if you are suffering from an injury, however with an elliptical machine your feet remain on the machine at all times, meaning a no-impact exercise.

Stationary Bike

The stationery bike is very similar to the elliptical, your feet never leave the pedals, you set the resistance you feel comfortable at and off you go. Boredom can be a big factor in this type of exercise, this is where going to the gym and challenging your friends can help push you that extra mile.

Wii Fit

Slightly unconventional, but the Wii fit can offer many great low-impact exercises you can do at home. Although there are some high-impact exercises for the wii fit the majority of them are not. A huge benefit of using the Wii is how much fun it can be, something I found greatly helped my in achieving my health and fitness goals.

These are my top low-impact machines that will give you a great workout without having to worry about the risk of injury that you would with high-impact machines. Since my injury I sustained on my knee during a tennis game, these are what I have found to be the most effective for me. Hope you have found this helpful. For more information health and fitness related issues you can find me at AllHealthHelp.

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