Some Back Exercises With Dumbells
As with all exercises using free weights, these back exercises with dumbells will also utilize and strengthen many helper muscles. Legs, torso, arms and shoulders will all be involved and will benefit.
Hand placement with dumbells is not so much a factor as it it with barbells simply because you can't change the placement from the middle of the dumbell. The amount of weight used however will greatly affect your ability to do the back exercises with dumbells. Be realistic...You want to be able to do 8 to 10 reps for 3 full sets. Your last reps of the last set should be pretty tough to do but not impossible. So start light and work your way up gradually.
Dumbell Split Clean
Back Exercises With Dumbells
With your feet about twelve inches apart, place a dumbell at each outer side of your ankles. Bend down and get a palms down grip on both dumbells. Bend you legs until your upper thighs are nearly parallel with the floor. Keep your arms straight and your head up. Your back will be at about a 45 degree angle to your thighs.
Inhale and pull the dumbells straight up slightly out in front of you. Continue the pull upward by raising up on your toes after you have come erect and have pulled the dumbells about as high as your lower pecs.
Then throw your right leg straight back about 32 inches trying not to bend your knee. Your left leg should travel straight in front about 8 inches enabling you to split down low enough to throw your body below the dumbells and flipping them over and back with your wrists, having them come to rest in the palms of your hands which will be facing each other while your elbows are nearly at your sides.
From this position bring both feet in line with each other to complete the movement. Exhale as the dumbells are at the top position.
Return the weights to the floor and you have completed one repetition of this back exercise with dumbells.
Dumbell Squat Clean
Back Exercises With Dumbells
With your feet about twelve inches apart, place a dumbell at each outer side of your ankles. Bend down and get a palms down grip on both dumbells. Bend you legs until your upper thighs are nearly parallel with the floor. Keep your arms straight and your head up. Your back will be at about a 45 degree angle to your thighs.
Inhale and pull the dumbells straight up slightly out in front of you as you commence to stand erect. When the dumbells reach an area between your upper waist and middle chest, squat down below the dumbells and then flip them over and back with your wrists, having them rest in the palms of your hands which will be facing each other while your elbows are slightly out in front of you.
Stand erect with the dumbells at shoulder height and exhale.
Lower the weghts directly to the floor to complete the repetion of this back exercise with dumbells.
Dumbell Power Clean and Press
Back Exercises With Dumbells
With your feet about twelve inches apart, place a dumbell at each outer side of your ankles. Bend down and get a palms down grip on both dumbells. Bend you legs until your upper thighs are nearly parallel with the floor. Keep your arms straight and your head up. Your back will be at about a 45 degree angle to your thighs.
Inhale and pull the dumbells straight up slightly out in front of you until they are nearly shoulder high. Then flip the dumbells over and back, having them rest in the palms of your hands which will be facing each other while your elbows are nearly at your sides.
Inhale again and press the dumbells directly overhead to arms length and hold them there for a short period of time before exhaling and then lower in them back to shoulder height and on down to the floor to complete one repetition of this back exercise with dumbells.
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