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Answers to Your Questions on Fitness, Exercise and Weight loss My latest observations, experiences and advice as a personal trainer about fitness, exercise, fitness equipment, weight loss and more. Inspirations Personal Training Home Page : Personal Trainer Blog Home : April 2007 | April 6, 2007 10:52 - On Becoming a Personal Trainer I just posted a new article on becoming a personal trainer and what is included in fitness trainer education programs.. If you have a passion for fitness, you can make your living doing something you love.
April 17, 2007 07:48 - Control Diabetes with Exercise The ideal time to learn to control diabetes is before you get it. There is a theory that the modern diet, with an overabundance of sugary additives and refined carbs, causes the insulin and blood sugar levels to spike and drop continually. This results in highs and lows in energy and cravings for more sweets shortly after you already had some. It also results in exhaustion of the insulin supply system such that over time your body can't handle the demands and the glucose builds up in your blood instead of being used as energy. (Read Article) April 23, 2007 06:40 - Here is a Good Abdominal Exercise I get this question all of the time... What is a good abdominal exercise that will trim my middle and lead to a six-pack? The answer is not as simple as you might think.
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