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Answers to Your Questions on Fitness, Exercise and Weight loss My latest observations, experiences and advice as a personal trainer about fitness, exercise, fitness equipment, weight loss and more. Inspirations Personal Training Home Page : Personal Trainer Blog Home : January 2007 | January 1, 2007 09:21 - Suzanne Somers Weight Loss Plan Somers has turned healthy living into a way of life and has proven she is definitely not the air-head that her character 'Crissy' was in the sit-com.The Suzanne Somers Weight Loss Plan is an approach to eating, that lets you enjoy delicious foods in abundant portions. (Read Article) January 2, 2007 07:21 - A Review of 'Body Building Revealed' by Will Brink Will Brink, a recognized expert in nutrition, has greatly expanded his popular ebook "Bodybuilding Nutrition" and has renamed it "Body Building Revealed". As with his book "Diet Supplements Revealed" you receive more than just a book when you purchase. (Read Article) January 4, 2007 07:09 - What is the Mediterranean diet? The low incidence of chronic diseases and high life-expectancy rates of the Mediterrranean people eating traditional Mediterranean diet foods has caused a lot of interest in this way of eating. (Read Article) January 6, 2007 08:13 - A Guide to Exercise For Beginners First of all, Congratulations! for taking the first step to better fitness and health. If you have never been a regular exerciser, this is an exercise for beginners tutorial that will teach you how to get started with an exercise program - and stick with it. (Read Article) January 8, 2007 07:35 - A review of the Nutrisystem Weight Loss Program What NutriSystem calls its 'Nourish program' is all about convenience for the dieter. Their heat-and-eat meals are ordered from their website and shipped to your door. (Read Article) January 8, 2007 19:28 - Body Building Myths That Must Die! Most myths are nine parts fantasy and one part truth, though of course, some myths have no truth to them at all. I have spent much of my career attempting to expose myths surrounding body building and topics that relate to it, such as drugs, nutrition and supplementation etc. (Read Article) January 8, 2007 19:56 - So You Wanna be a Fitness Model? This article will be useful to both experienced and novice types looking to "break in" to the fitness model biz. If you are already a professional and successful fitness model, I am sure you may still glean some useful information from this article. (Read Article) January 16, 2007 07:18 - Brain Science And New Year's Resolutions - A Study in Goal Setting Goal setting is so important, that I always teach goal setting and mind dynamics first, and only THEN, do I teach nutrition and training second. You change your body by creating new habitual patterns of thinking and visualizing. (Read Article) January 24, 2007 06:40 - How Using the Glycemic Index Can Affect Your Weight Perhaps the biggest challenge to losing weight (and staying on a diet) is constantly feeling hungry. Foods with low glycemic index values are among the most filling of all foods and delay hunger pangs for longer. (Read Article) January 30, 2007 07:06 - Choose the Right Weight Loss Diet for You People get in such a panic to lose unwanted fat that they embark on a fad weight loss diet forgetting that they need the four traditional food groups, in proper balance, on a daily basis to maintain a healthy body.
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