March 3, 2006 06:30 - The mental benefits of Exercise
We all know that exercise benefits the body, but it can also do wonders for the mind.In every study done on the subject, a definite relationship has been found between physical fitness, mental alertness and emotional stability.
Firstly, improved endurance makes the body less susceptible to fatigue and therefore less likely to make errors, mental or physical. Your job performance can be sustained longer without the necessity of frequent breaks.
The former Soviets were much more sophisticated in this area than Americans. In the USSR, when a man's productivity slowed down, he was sent to a reconditioning camp for a few weeks and his output would improve greatly. The Soviets had over 2000 of these camps, we don't have one.
The American approach was just the opposite. They would train 3 men to do the job of 1 when the workload got heavy. The mortality rates among executives are so high that training more than one is always necessary.
Studies done at the United States Military Acedemy at West Point made a direct comparison between the physical aptitude of cadets and their success at the acedemy. They found that those that scored low on their physical performance test as a freshmen entering the academy had twice the dropout rate as classmates who were fitter.
The dropout rate was especially high among those who had never participated in sports or exercise of any kind during their childhood. Without the benefit of physical activity when they were growing up, theses cadets encountered extreme difficulty meeting the challenge of training and acedemic studies.
This is true in most other areas of life as well. Those who are physically fit generally have a better outlook and are a little more self confident and often do well in their chosen fields.
For more of the benefits of exercise, please see this page Exercise Benefits
till next time,
March 6, 2006 06:49 - The Surprising Health and Fitness Benefits of Rebounding
I just put up an article on the health and fitness benefits of rebounding and the more I research this subject the more that rebounding exercise impresses me.The U.S. space agency N.A.S.A. conducted studies to find ways to reverse the loss of bone mass by astronauts while experiencing weightlessness in space and and came to the conclusion that "rebound exercise is the most effective and efficient form of exercise ever devised by man"
Ladies...rebounding is excellent for the prevention of osteoporosis.
Due to the effective mobilization of the lymphatic system and the positive effect this has on the immune system, rebounding is also good for a host of other things you might not think of.
Allergies, asthma, blood pressure, colds and sore throats can be relieved by regular rebounding exercise.
It is highly recommended as a form of exercise for those suffering from arthritis.
The effect of bouncing on each cell in the body is to strengthen them all at the same time. With time, the cell membranes get thicker and firmer and gain elasticity so you can give yourself a natural face lift.
Energy levels are increased, stress is managed, your spine is strengthened, your metabolism is increased, there is little risk of injury, diabetes can be controlled, blood cholesterol can be controlled...too many benefits to mention and you can do all this in the comfort of your own home without over-exertion... so visit the health benefits of rebounding.
till next time...
March 7, 2006 06:54 - A note to pregnant women
Fit and Healthy PregnancyAs a mother of three myself and having experienced a different level of physical fitness with each pregnancy, I have personal experience with the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. Not only throughout pregnancy, but also in delivery and recovery afterwards. The advantages to being fit and maintaining a good level of fitness include:
Less fat gain during pregnancy by the mother...all that weight gain isn't necessary to the health of your baby and if you don't gain it, you won't have to lose it afterwards.
Better mobility of the mother through all stages of pregnancy. I gained a large amount of weight with my first child (I wasn't in very good shape) so I know how difficult it is just to get around.
Easier delivery (phew!)
There are certain types of exercise that are especially good during pregnancy and some that should be avoided.
Nausea (morning sickness), shifting balance and inevitable (desireable) weight gain as your pregnancy advances are limiting factors but can all be dealt with using some of the following tips:
During the first trimester, a mother-to-be can continue an exercise program as usual.
Mid to late morning exercise is usually best because nausea is most prevalent in the early morning and fatigue often sets in by the afternoon.
Aerobic conditioning is very important because it has proven to be highly beneficial to all aspects of pregnancy including enhancing circulation, aerobic capacity, ventilation and heart rate.
Work out your target heart rate and do not exceed it.
Low impact aerobic exercise is a safer choice as your pregnancy advances and your balance is affected.
Exercises involving deep flexion of major joints (knee bends, squats, lunges) should be avoided.
Use light hand weights for upper body exercise.
Eliminate exercises that contract the abdomen such as crunches and supine (laying down) exercises after the 4th month.
Don't forget to do a good stretching program with deep breathing for relaxation at the end of each workout.
Cindy Brotherston,
Certified Fitness Trainer
Inspirations Personal Training
P.S. Improvements in your level of fitness can begin at anytime and early is much better than later during pregnancy. Now is the perfect time to start. You can avoid the huge and unhealthy weight gain that is typical of many Canadian women having babies. Call me at 705-426-5809 for a free consultation.
March 11, 2006 07:46 - 10 Fat-Burning Foods!
Stoke your metabolism and burn calories faster with diet-friendly foods and beverages. Post this list on your fridge next to the photo of you in your "skinny jeans" and make a copy to bring with you the next time you shop for groceries.Just remember, theres no substitute for a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. So get moving!
Here are the top picks according to some of the latest research:
- 1. Water! A new study seems to indicate that drinking water actually speeds up weight loss. Researchers in Germany found that subjects of the study increased their metabolic rates (the rate at which calories are burned) by 30 percent after drinking approximately 17 ounces of water. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant that banishes bloat as it flushes out sodium and toxins. Drinking enough water will also help keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger. So drink up
- 2. Green Tea! Studies show that green tea extract boosts metabolism and may aid in weight loss. This mood-enhancing tea has also been reported to contain anti-cancer properties and help prevent heart disease. It's also a trendy drink among weight-conscious celebrities.
- 3. Soup! Eat less and burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack. According to a Penn State University study, soup is a super appetite suppressant because its made up of a hunger-satisfying combination of liquids and solids. In the study, women chose one of three 270-calorie snacks before lunch. Women who had chicken and rice soup as a snack consumed an average of 100 fewer calories than those in the study who opted for a chicken and rice casserole or the casserole and a glass of water.
- 4. Grapefruit! The grapefruit diet is not a myth. Researchers at Scripps Clinic found that participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal in a 12-week period lost an average of 3.6 pounds. The study indicates that the unique chemical properties in this vitamin C-packed citrus fruit reduce insulin levels, which promotes weight loss. NOTE: If you are taking medication, check with your doctor about any potentially adverse interactions with grapefruit.
- 5. Apples and Pears! Overweight women who ate the equivalent of three small apples or pears a day lost more weight on a low-calorie diet than women who didnt add fruit to their diet, according to researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Fruit eaters also ate fewer calories overall. So, next time you need to satisfy a sugar craving, reach for this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. Youll feel full longer and eat less.
- 6. Broccoli! Study after study links calcium and weight loss. Broccoli is not only high in calcium but it's also loaded with vitamin C which boosts calcium absorption. This member of the nutritious cabbage family also has plenty of vitamin A, folate and fiber. And, at just 20-calories per cup, this weight loss superfood not only fights fat but also contains powerful phytochemicals that boost your immunity and protect against disease.
- 7. Low-Fat Yogurt! Dairy products can boost weight loss efforts, according to a study in the April issue of Obesity Research. People on a reduced-calorie diet who included 3-4 servings of dairy foods lost significantly more weight than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories. Low-fat yogurt is a rich source of weight-loss-friendly calcium, providing about 450 mg (about half the recommended daily allowance for women ages 19-50) per 8-ounce serving, as well as 12 grams of protein.
- 8. Lean Turkey! Rev up your fat-burning engine with this bodybuilder favorite. Countless studies have shown that protein can help boost metabolism, lose fat and build lean muscle tissue so you burn more calories. A 3-ounce serving of boneless, skinless lean turkey breast weighs in at 120 calories and provides 26 grams of appetite-curbing protein, 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of saturated fat.
- 9. Oatmeal! This heart-healthy favorite ranks high on the good carb list, because its a good source of cholesterol-fighting, fat-soluble fiber (7 grams per 3/4-cup serving) that keeps you full and provides you with the energy you need to make the most of your workouts. Just be sure to choose steel cut or rolled oats, not instant oatmeal, to get your full dose of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
- 10. Hot Peppers! Eating hot peppers can speed up your metabolism and cool your cravings, researchers at Laval University in Canada found. Here's why: capsaicin (a chemical found in jalapeño and cayenne peppers) temporarily stimulates your body to release more stress hormones, which speeds up your metabolism and causes you to burn more calories. --- more
Here's how these 10 fat-blasting superstars help you lose weight:
Here are a few more healthy weight-loss boosters that fill you up and keep you full longer on fewer calories.
- Water-rich fresh fruits, veggies and soup dilute the calories in your food and allow you to eat more without breaking the calorie bank.
- High-fiber fruit, vegetables and nutritious whole grains keep your digestive system on track and steady insulin levels, which prevents fat storage.
- Lean meat boosts metabolism and burns calories because it take more energy to digest than other foods.
Till next time,
March 12, 2006 19:44 - Tips from a Body Builder
I'd like to share some tips that bodybuilders use to get lean and fit. These tips can help you to really get the best looking body possible. You don't need to be a bodybuilder to have a tight and lean look.1. Control Blood Sugar -- There is an old saying that bodybuilding success is 80-percent nutrition. Well, I'm not sure exactly what the percentage is but every bodybuilder realizes that it all begins with nutrition. If you dont have your nutrition program tuned in, no matter how hard or how long you workout, you will only be frustrated. This applies to everyone who starts a diet and fitness program. That being said, every bodybuilders goal is to control blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar levels helps to shed fat. This is accomplished by taking in some protein, carbohydrates and good fats spread evenly through the day every 2 to 3 hours, which is as I have said before, having 5 smaller, balanced meals per day rather than the traditional 3... and definitely not skipping meals.
2. Ratios of proteins, carbs and fat count! A calorie is not a calorie -- Do you know those people who tell you to simply lower your calories to lose fat? The people who never mention protein, carbohydrates or fats? Theyre wrong. Protein, carb and fat ratios are important. The correct ratios (which can vary depending on an individuals response to food) help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps to increase energy and fat loss. Generally, 40 percent to 50 percent of carbohydrates, 25 percent to 30 percent protein and 20 percent to 30 percent of healthy fats is the best starting place.
Incidently, that ratio is what Dr. Sears of "The Zone Diet" promotes in his book and in his online weight loss program.
Till next time,
March 14, 2006 06:21 - More tips from a body builder
3. Weight Training -- To affect muscle versus fat ratios you have to weight train. Contrary to popular believe, bodybuilders dont workout with weights for two hours a day. Most bodybuilders are aware that after about 45 to 60 minutes, catabolic (muscle wasting) hormones begin to wreak havoc. An intense weight workout lasting no more than 60 minutes is the most efficient route to go. You dont have to workout with a bodybuilding routine, but you do need to work the entire body approximately three alternate days per week.4. Cardio -- Most people think that bodybuilders dont perform cardiovascular exercise. Its a myth. However, the difference between a bodybuilder and a fitness enthusiast is that a bodybuilder knows how to use cardio as a tool to lose fat. A bodybuilder will begin with a set amount of cardio, but it wont be excessive (possibly 30 minutes).
If fat loss is not taking place, the bodybuilder will add a bit more to the session to stimulate fat loss. Most people would jump up to 60 minutes. However, the bodybuilder will add time slowly and monitor fat loss. The key is perform all that is necessary - and no more than that.
In many cases, the bodybuilder will not increase time, but will increase intensity. This is accomplished by incorporating interval cardio training (integrating slower levels of intensity for several minutes with very high levels for several minutes). Intervals are great for boosting the metabolism.
Many people think they need to perform two hours of cardio per day. Nothing could be further from the truth. Start with a realistic amount of cardio per day and then add to it by five minutes or switch to intervals if you havent lost body fat in two weeks. This is assuming that youre eating enough calories.
A bodybuilder will lower carbs a bit as a contest approaches, but will also take in enough carbs for energy and muscle fullness. If carbs are too low, the muscle tends to not look as tight. Protein is also critical to build and retain muscle tissue, which in turn helps to burn more fat.
Finally, good dietary fats are extremely important. They help to balance hormonal levels, increase strength and create satiety (fullness). If youre looking for a plan that takes this into account I recommend The Glycemic Impact Diet by eDiets
best wishes,
March 15, 2006 07:04 - A Bodybuilder's Advice Can Help Anyone
5. Weight Training -- To increase muscle mass and decrease fat you have to weight train. Contrary to popular believe, bodybuilders dont workout with weights for hours a day. Most bodybuilders are aware that after about 45 to 60 minutes, catabolic (muscle wasting) hormones begin to undo the benefits of the workout. An intense weight workout lasting no more than 60 minutes is the most efficient route to go. You dont have to workout with a bodybuilding routine, but you do need to work the entire body approximately three alternate days per week.6. Cardio -- Most people think that bodybuilders dont perform cardiovascular exercise.That's a myth, but the difference between a bodybuilder and a fitness enthusiast is that a bodybuilder knows how to use cardio as a tool to lose fat. A bodybuilder will begin with a set amount of cardio, but it wont be excessive (possibly 30 minutes).
If fat loss is not taking place, the bodybuilder will add a bit more to the session to stimulate fat loss. Most people would jump up to 60 minutes. However, the bodybuilder will add time slowly and monitor fat loss. The key is to perform only what is necessary - and no more than that. Again, your body will begin to use lean muscle mass as fuel if this is overdone.
In many cases, the bodybuilder will not increase time, but will increase intensity. This is accomplished by incorporating interval cardio training (integrating slower levels of intensity for several minutes with very high levels for several minutes). Intervals are great for boosting the metabolism.
Many people think they need to perform two hours of cardio per day. Nothing could be further from the truth. Start with a realistic amount of cardio per day and then add to it by five minutes or switch to intervals if you havent lost body fat in two weeks. This is assuming that youre eating enough calories.
7. Water Intake -- From the standpoint of water intake and fat loss, you want to be in a position where the liver is converting stored fat to energy. The liver has other functions, but this is one of its main jobs. Unfortunately, another of the livers duties is to pick up the slack for the kidneys, which need plenty of water to work properly (more than most people realize).
If the kidneys are water-deprived, the liver has to do the work of the kidneys along with its own (lowering its total productivity in the process). The liver then cant metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently. If you allow this to happen, youre setting yourself up to store fat because you've made the liver less efficient at turning stored body fat to energy. Usually if you multiply .55 times your weight, that should be enough in ounces of water to suffice. Water is the under rated fat loss tool.!
8. Discipline -- This is the seldom used word in the fitness industry. Youll read a lot about the new magic workout, the new magic diet, the machine thats sure to burn fat off your butt etc. Its all a bunch of nonsense.
A bodybuilder works out even when he/she doesnt feel like it; stays on the diet even when he/she feels like going off of it. Its about doing the right thing and the hard thing at times. One day of discipline leading to another day of discipline. You build your body and your mind simultaneously. Without this, every point Ive made above is fruitless. The good thing is anyone can do it -- if they choose to.
Try the eDiets free profile
today to find out which weight loss program is right for you.
till next time,
March 18, 2006 06:55 - Work out at a gym or at home?
A membership at a gym isn't for everyone. I remember paying for a 1 year membership at a health club, many years ago, and going faithfully for about a month when my enthusiasm began to fade and my visits became less and less and finally I stopped going altogether. My schedule always seemed too busy, there where always things I would rather do. Having to drive there in bad weather, family responsibilities, work pressure, changing schedules, and the thing I liked the least was the unspoken rivalry among the other gym goers... you know, the macho thing among the guys.
If working out at home sounds like a pleasant option, but youre still not convinced, maybe these 10 reasons to work out at home will get you motivated.
Im not suggesting that you leave your gym if you enjoy it; Im simply recommending a home-based alternative that may be the solution youre looking for.
Home workouts can be tailored to your schedule. If you have a home gym equipped with some free weights, video tapes, a fitness ball and possibly a cardio machine, you dont have to worry about drive time to your gym. If your work schedule changes often or you cant find a babysitter, then youre not pressured to find the time to get to the gym. In fact, if your gym is a 30-minute drive away and you can only fit in a 20-minute workout, then the drive ends up being longer than the workout. The beauty of working out at home is you can manipulate your workout schedule as you see fit.
Create an environment that you enjoy. Creating your own workout environment helps to increase motivation. If you hate listening to gym music blaring, then you can choose the music you prefer in your home environment. Enjoy having plants and motivational posters in your workout room? Its easy enough to do when you create your own customized place of well-being.
Avoiding muscle heads -Theres no need to suffer through primal screaming in the gym while Mr. Muscle Head performs his usual Monday bench press routine with a weight thats too heavy for him. In your home gym, you create the mood and the aura as opposed to it being created by outside influences.
Another good way to work out at home is to follow a personalized plan set out by professionals over the internet. You can have your own personal trainer to design and monitor your progress and you'll know you are doing everything right. An excellent online program for fitness or weight loss can be found at Global Heath and Fitness.
Till next time,
March 20, 2006 06:57 - More reasons to work out at home
If you exercise at a gym and you like it that way, power to you. The range of equipment can be extensive and a good gym will have a personal trainer who actually helps you reach your goals. In many cases, such as our local gym, help is not readily available and you have to put up with muscleheads who think they know what they are doing but are mostly just showing off.The advantages of working out at home are many...
No waiting for equipment. If you work out at a gym during the busiest time, you may have to wait for certain equipment. You may even have to witness two people talking for what seems an eternity, while one just sits on the equipment you want to use. Theres nothing more annoying than that. If you love non-stop movement and brisk workouts, then you definitely want to pursue the home workout route.
Saving Money - Lets face it, a gym membership that you dont use is good money down the drain. Add that up year after year, and you can probably purchase a new car or a full-scale home gym. An efficient work out at home can cost from $100 and up. Investing in an adjustable weight bench, some dumbbells, a fitness ball and fun videotapes is all you need. If you want to go the extra mile and purchase a treadmill, the investment will be worth it.
Personal Privacy - If you work out at home, you can dress any way you wish. You can avoid people staring at you, hitting on you, judging you, etc. You work out however you desire and whenever you desire. Even headphones wont deter some dimwits from talking to you at the gym while youre attempting to cram in a workout to get back in time to feed your kids dinner. And of course, your privacy guarantees that the local gym-going expert doesnt interrupt you with, Would you like me to show you how to do that exercise correctly?
Make use of online training. eDiets has an outstanding fitness program that provides a complete workout based on experience and tailored to the equipment you own. It includes a totally cool Virtual Trainer exercise animation that shows you how to perform each exercise with perfect form. You just cant beat personal training in your own home on your own time. Confused about how to perform an exercise? No problem. Instead of risking injury, walk over to your computer and simply access the eDiets fitness program to view the correct exercise form - you cant do that in a gym.
Watch your kids. I know many gyms have day care, but there is something comforting about knowing you can work out and watch your kids as well. Its also a great lesson for your children because they learn the value of exercise and good health.
Avoiding bad weather - Depending on which part of the country you live in, driving to the gym can be an exercise in frustration. When I lived in the Northeast, during the winter months the thought of bundling up and driving through snow, sleet and rain in order to work out was sometimes an exercise in discipline. This is completely avoided when you work out at home.
Split your workout time. Research shows that two shorter workouts during the day are just as effective as one longer workout. Working out at home allows you to exercise for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Maybe youd like to weight-train in the morning and use a 30-minute videotape after work. Trying to split your workout with a gym membership means endless driving and packing of workout gear - not fun!
A gym can be a very good place to work out, but never rule out the benefits of working out at home.
As always, check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
For expertise you can rely on at home, 24 hours a day, consider a membership in the
eDiets weight loss programs
Best always,
March 21, 2006 06:43 - A little more on metabolism
I've written about metabolism several times before in this blog and on my website, but understanding how it works relative to exercise and weight loss is critical to success.Metabolism is the biochemical modification of substances in every living organism, usually consisting of sequences of steps called metabolic pathways. Low calorie dieting slows your metabolism, making it progressively difficult to lose weight and keep it off. Excessive dieting fails because of a combination of hormonal changes, muscle loss and repeated frustration.
If you persist in starving yourself, you'll begin to break down muscle tissue for fuel. Ironically, when protein (muscle) is broken down, there's an immediate reduction in water weight, but this initial water weight loss will be quickly regained as soon as you quench your thirst.
On the other hand, muscle requires a certain number of calories just to maintain itself. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even while at total rest.
Besides, not too many people can stick with a low-calorie diet for very long, and eventually you'll return to your old eating habits. Watch out when you do, because the weight, in the form of fat (say good-bye to any lost muscle unless you workout) will come rushing back, especially if you have lost muscle tissue along during your diet.
But the solution is pretty clear...two words, more muscle.
Before you run out and score some steroids, let's take a look at how the average person, at just about any age, can sensibly acquire some lean muscle mass, and avoid the grind of low calorie diets with endless cardio, and still lose weight.
How many diets have you been on? Do you look and feel any better as a result? That can all change with a simple but well-orchestrated approach.
Try a little resistance.
The number one thing you can do for your body is allow it to work against a challenging level of resistance by employing a variety of exercises that simultaneously engage as much muscle as possible. If performed on a regular basis (2 to 6 times per week), the results can be life-changing.
Using a program of anywhere from 5-10 specific, functional and full-body exercises, you can compile a program that will build real-life fitness. Exercises like the overhead press, push-ups, dead-lifts, and squats (and there machine variations), if performed in a certain fashion will dramatically change the way you look and feel in a rather short period of time (1 to 3 months).
Dynamic Resistance Drills
Stop either drill at any time you hit extreme fatigue. Do not work to muscle failure, regardless of overall sets. Be flexible and change parameters often (starting weight, reps, rest, number sets) to keep your muscles guessing.
Start with any number of reps you can handle at very low muscle fatigue. You should rest anywhere from 30 seconds to three full minutes between sets. Below are two easy-to-learn examples.
Push-Up Endurance Progression
You may substitute with the modified push-up, bench press, chest press, or standing shoulder press.
Start with any number of reps you can handle at very low muscle fatigue. Rest anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 full minute between sets.
Set 1: 10 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Set 2: 12 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Set 3: 14 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Set 4: 16 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Set 5: 18 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Set 6: 16 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Set 7: 20 reps (rest 30sec to 1min)
Go back to original reps and repeat cycle (advanced)
Squat Strength Progression
You may substitute with the dead-lift, lunge, step-up, or half squat.
Start with a resistance you can handle at VERY LOW muscle fatigue for 6 to 8 reps. Add 5 to 10 percent or the lowest amount possible over 10 percent. Rest anywhere from 1 minute to 2 full minutes between sets.
Set 1: 8 reps with start weight (may be zero, rest 1 to 2min)
Set 2: 8 reps (add weight, rest 1 to 2min)
Set 3: 8 reps (add weight, rest 1 to 2min)
Set 4: 8 reps (add weight, rest 1 to 2min)
Set 5: 8 reps (add weight, rest 1 to 2min)
Set 6: 8 reps (add weight, rest 1 to 2min)
Set 7: 8 reps (add weight, rest 1 to 2min)
Go back to original reps and repeat cycle (advanced)
Please get clearance from you doctor before performing. This drill is designed to rev up your overall metabolism and should not be performed more than twice a week.
Eat Sensibly, And Often
Starvation doesn't work, ever! That's not to say you can eat whatever you want. Moderation, portion control, and the elimination of unwanted calories in the form of fried, processed, sugar-laden foods, as well as liquid calories, can cut overall caloric intake in half, while you still get to eat the same volume of food.
Stick with 2 or 3 healthful meals AND 2 or 3 healthful snacks spaced evenly throughout every day. It might help to keep a food diary of what you're currently eating (make no changes) and work on improving upon that. This process can be a real eye-opener, as well as allowing you to make very accurate caloric adjustments.
Creating a deficit of 250 to 500 calories per day, will allow you to keep, and even build, muscle while your body fat melts away.
See my review of the eDiets Exercise and Weight Loss Programs.
till next time...
March 23, 2006 06:58 - Lose weight and keep it off
You lose weight and you again fit into your best-looking pair of jeans. You check yourself out in the mirror (admit it, you do!) and say, Man, I look goooood! But, time passes and what happens? Those jeans are fitting tighter than bark to a tree. What went wrong?
How do you avoid the weight loss - weight gain yo-yo?
As far back as 50 years ago, it was common for athletes to eat more than your average daily serving of protein.
Why is protein so important? First of all, you need the amino acids (which are the building blocks of protein) for the repair and rebuilding of muscle thats been torn down from exercise. And, you dont have to be an Olympic athlete to tear down your muscles from exercise.
Any effective workout will cause a little soreness the next day or two which is the result of tiny rips or tears in muscle. To help your body repair these tears and to build some new muscle tissue you should eat protein.
But, heres the bonus. Protein has another great benefit. It helps you maintain your weight loss!
So, here's the go on your favorite diet and exercise program, you lose weight and then you must keep those pounds off. The answer is protein my friend, along with a regular exercise program.
Heres the proof: A recent study examined 113 overweight subjects that followed a low-calorie diet for 4 weeks. They followed up with a weight-maintenance (WM) diet for 6 months after that. During WM, subjects were divided into either a protein group or a control group. The protein group consumed an additional 30 grams per day of added protein (an extra 120 calories) in addition to their own usual diet. The control group didnt consume anything extra.
Both groups lost similar amounts of weight during the four-week low-calorie diet. Okay, no rocket science here. That makes sense -- you eat less you lose weight. BUT, what happened in the next six months is amazing.
During WM, the protein group had a higher-protein intake, which makes sense since they consumed an extra 30 grams daily. But, they also had the following great things happen. The protein-consuming group gained less weight and had smaller waist measurements. Also, the weight gained by the protein group was fat-free mass (which is mainly muscle). Decreased hunger before breakfast occurred significantly more in the protein group compared to the control group. So what does this all mean?
If you lose weight, it makes sense to consume an additional 30 grams of protein daily to help maintain the weight loss. Now, you might be scratching your head and asking yourself, So you mean I can eat more calories [120 calories] in the form of protein and keep the weight off and whatever weight I do gain back is mainly muscle?
The answer to that is a resounding YES, if you maintain an exercise program. Muscle doesn't just grow from the protein you eat but it is the building block. Resistance exercise (weight training) about 3 times per week and cardio twice per week will do it nicely.
Why do you think fitness enthusiasts so strongly embrace and consume protein? Because its good for your muscles, helps you feel more satisfied, and helps keep the fat off after losing weight. This is further proof that not all calories are created equally.
So, dont think an extra 120 calories of a donut will work as well as 120 calories of lean protein. Cause it wont.
till next time,
Inspirations Personal Training...Weight Loss Program Reviews
March 25, 2006 07:01 - Post-Workout Quick Beauty Regimen
I recently read this article in an emagazine and thought you ladies out there might appreciate the tips on how to recover from your exercise program and get back to the real world.It is written by journalist Joanne Eglash.
Wish you had a fairy godmother after your workouts to turn you from red-faced with dripping mascara to gorgeous? Well, girlfriend, I may not have a magic wand but I am willing to share my secrets for a quick but effective after-the-workout regimen that will have you glowing with beauty, not sweat!
Try these tips:
After your workout, take off your shoes and sweaty socks! Why? One reason: Nothing feels yuckier and makes your face look gloomier than damp, smelly feet. Its one of those icky feelings (not to mention odors) that are right up there next to sitting down in the dentists chair. Now try re-invigorating your feet with a dusting of simple, inexpensive, but oh-so-sweet-smelling Johnsons Baby Powder.
Another reason: If youve exercised in a gym, you probably are wearing expensive aerobic footgear. For example, I have pricey high-top aerobic shoes that are great for dance exercise classes, but not so sensible (or comfortable) when it comes to be-bopping around town running errands. You can keep your expensive shoes lasting longer, and feel more invigorated, if you change your shoes before you head outdoors.
If you have time, also take a quick shower (No excuses about how you didnt really sweat!) and wash your hair with a gentle brand such as Kloranes natural shampoos. Shower power!
Slip on clean socks and shoes. My favorite shoes for after-the-gym are the gorgeous New Balance 940s, which are lightweight and come in light red and grey.
Now that youre stepping lively, head for the mirror with your little bag of goodies (take notes on what to carry). Lets face it: Deodorant is key, so try one of the new scented fragrances from Suave or go for the very gentle roll-on texture of Dove.
Before you plaster on any makeup, brush your teeth! I love that clean feeling that comes from Crest Whitening Expressions (Try the Cinnamon Rush flavor yum!). And dont forget to floss (try the new Reach flavored flosses). Forgot your toothbrush? The new sugar-free Eclipse mints or gums are almost as good for that fresh feeling!
Next up: make up to your makeup! Fabulous magazine-perfect looks can be yours with tools from Max Factor makeup. Try their Colour Adapt makeup, it makes your skin look creamy and smooth. Im also addicted to their Brush-on Satin Blush that, even when I havent had enough sleep, makes me look glowingly healthy. The eyes have it, when it comes to revealing your true self, and Max Factors Lashfinity stays on even during the most tear-jerking movie session (yes, I confess, Im one of those women who LOVES to go to chick flicks and cry through the entire sentimental show).
Last but not least: make sure your kissing power shows with Lipfinity. I had always suffered from chapped lips but that problem is in the past. Lipfinity comes with a magical moisturizing stick, as well as a color applicator. The two together keep your lips looking luscious.
Now stand in front of that mirror, hold your head high, put your shoulders back and smile. That combination of a virtuous workout and quick-beauty tips, has left you looking and feeling glowingly gorgeous! Go girlfriend, and carpe diem!
Joanne Eglash has worked as a journalist for more than 15 years, specializing in health, fitness, diet/nutrition, lifestyles, careers and relationships. Among the publications and websites for which she has written are Shape magazine, Fit Pregnancy magazine, Working Mother magazine,, ePregnancy magazine, Every Baby magazine,, the San Jose Mercury News, the Christian Science Monitor, Netsurfer Digest and more. She is the author of How to Write A .com Business Plan: The Internet Entrepreneur's Guide to Everything You Need to Know About Business Plans and Financing Options.
For advice on finding a great workout and weight loss program for yourself please read my Fitness and Weight Loss Program Reviews
till next time,
March 28, 2006 06:57 - Everyone wants awsome abs
Getting rid of belly flab seems to be everyones desire. Well, it certainly isn't nice to look at and for many people the belly is the first place that fat accumulates. There seem to be dozens of new devices on the market and legions of stars and actors promoting the latest ab machine that will supposedly give you that 6 pack for little effort and only $29 per month forever. A lying abdominal machine will not give you a flat stomach, a seated abdominal machine will not give you a flat stomach and 1,000 crunches per day will not give you a flat stomach.
I'm about to tell you the real story.
It doesn't matter what your age, there is no reason you cannot achieve a flat stomach.
There will be some work to do but like all good things, it is worth the effort.
1. NUTRITION: This is the most important component to achieving a flat stomach. Nothing is more important than food.
First, youll need to control blood sugar levels in order to lose body fat. This is best accomplished by consuming four to six meals per day. Dont mistake the definition of a meal for a six-course feast. A meal might be an egg white omelet (with vegetables) and oatmeal with some blueberries in it, chicken with one-half cup of rice and a large salad with some oil and vinegar, an apple with a scoop of protein powder or cottage cheese with some fruit.
Get the picture? Each of the meals is comprised of protein, a little carbohydrate and a little fat. In some cases, the fat is built into the protein. In other cases, its added to the meal.
2. RATIOS: Its unlikely that youll get tight abs and a flat stomach by consuming 80 percent of your calories from carbohydrates. Ratios can vary quite a bit, but consuming more than 55 percent of your calories from carbohydrate will not be optimal for fat loss. The correct ratios (which can vary depending on an individuals response to food) help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps to increase energy and fat loss. Generally, 40 percent to 50 percent of carbohydrates, 25 percent to 30 percent protein and 20 percent to 30 percent of healthy fats is the best starting place.
3. TIMING: I realize four to six meals sounds like a lot, but you must keep in mind that the body is always seeking to store body fat. It (the body) doesnt care if you want to lose fat. In fact, your body would prefer to keep fat in order to accomplish its number one goal of keeping you alive in case of a future famine or drought.
Always consider the body from the inside out and not the other way around. In order to control blood sugar, eat every two to three hours throughout the day. When using the most effective nutrient ratios, this helps to control blood sugar (which, in turn, assists in body fat loss).
4. CALORIES: I've received emails from people telling me that they do all of the above, but they still cant lose body fat in order to flatten the stomach. In every case, they are still consuming too many calories. It doesnt matter how healthy your nutrition program is if youre eating too much.
Its important that you find maintenance calories first. Maintenance represents the amount of food you consume without any change in your weight. This will take some experimentation and some effort. Youll also need to document your foods: total calories as well as grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Sounds like a lot of work? Yes, it is! However, you only have to do a few weeks of hard work. After that, youll have your personal formula for success.
More in my next post...
PS. All of this stuff is automatic when you sign up for an eDiets program.
March 29, 2006 07:00 - More on getting a flat stomach
Its important that you find maintenance calories first. Maintenance represents the amount of food you consume without any change in your weight. This will take some experimentation and some effort. Youll also need to document your foods: total calories as well as grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Its important that you find maintenance calories first. Maintenance represents the amount of food you consume without any change in your weight. This will take some experimentation and some effort. Youll also need to document your foods: total calories as well as grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats.Sounds like a lot of work? Yes, it is! However, you only have to do a few weeks of hard work. After that, youll have your personal formula for success.
5. SLIGHT CALORIC DEFICIT: After you have found maintenance, simply reduce your calories by 200. Our goal is to have you eating as much as possible and still losing fat and retaining muscle. I dont want you eating as little as possible (thereby slowing the metabolism and losing valuable muscle tissue).
The first week, you may lose 4-6 pounds of water. After the first week, you should only lose about 1.5 pounds per week. The goal is to preserve muscle and make your body a metabolic inferno. If youre not losing up to 1.5 pounds per week (it will fluctuate week to week), then reduce calories by another 100. Then, monitor your progress after one week. Youll probably be right on track.
6. CONSISTENCY: Youll need to be on this nutrition program six days a week with one day being somewhat of a cheat day. Unlike many, Im not a big fan of the "cheat" day. I find that people tend to use it as an excuse to gorge themselves.
So, on Sunday for example, youre allowed to have some pizza, a bit of ice cream, etc. But nothing extreme! When you pig out, blood sugar levels can be elevated for seven hours or more. This will absolutely halt your body fat loss and actually backfire.
7. WEIGHT TRAIN: At this point, you should be aware of the importance of resistance training to weight loss. Just three to four exercise sessions lasting no more than 35 minutes to an hour will do the trick. For every pound of muscle on your body, youll burn 30-50 additional calories per day.
Part of your program should include abdominal exercises to strengthen and build the abs. That way, when you achieve your low body fat level, your abs will be tight.
By the way, there is one great movement to help pull the stomach inwards; however, Ill cover that in a future abdominal exercise article. I have to give you some reason to come back, right?
8. CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE: Perform three to five days per week of moderate cardio exercise for approximately 30-40 minutes. During two of the days, you can exercise at a higher intensity level to accelerate fat loss -- but, only if you reach a sticking point. If youre a beginner, then remember to increase gradually.
Do this consistently, keep adjusting calories SLIGHTLY and change your routine every three to four weeks. You will get a flatter stomach!
Is this easy? No, its not easy. Thats why so few people have flat and tight abs. Is it fulfilling when you achieve your goal of a flatter stomach? Definitely! As in most cases in life, the things we want and desire usually take some degree of sacrifice. It doesnt matter if you have 10 pounds to lose or 100 pounds, the formula works. So, how bad do you want it?
till next time...
PS. All of this stuff is automatic when you sign up for an
eDiets program.